**1. 心如明镜台,尘埃不染。**
The mind is like a clear mirror, untouched by dust.
**2. 一花一世界,一叶一如来。**
One flower, one world; one leaf, one Tathagata.
**3. 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。**
The Bodhi tree does not exist, and the clear mirror is not a platform.
**4. 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。**
There is nothing inherently existing, so where can dust arise?
**5. 空山鸟语,清风明月。**
Birdsong in an empty mountain, clear wind and bright moon.
**6. 万法归一,一法归空。**
All dharmas return to one, and one dharma returns to emptiness.
**7. 心外无物,物外无心。**
There is nothing outside of the mind, and there is no mind outside of things.
**8. 不思善,不思恶,正念分明。**
Do not think of good, do not think of evil, just be mindful.
**9. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。**
Lay down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha right here and now.
**10. 无住生心,心生则灭。**
Live without clinging, and when the mind arises, it will cease.
**11. 静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非。**
When sitting in quiet, constantly reflect on your own faults; when talking idly, do not speak ill of others.
**12. 直心是道场。**
A direct mind is the Dharma hall.
**13. 无心无念,无住无着。**
Without mind, without thought; without clinging, without attachment.
**14. 心即佛,佛即心。**
The mind is Buddha, Buddha is the mind.
**15. 色即是空,空即是色。**
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
**16. 不立文字,教外别传。**
No reliance on words, transmission outside of scriptures.
**17. 无师自通。**
Self-realization without a teacher.
**18. 如人饮水,冷暖自知。**
Like someone drinking water, only they know if it's cold or warm.
**19. 水到渠成。**
When the water flows, the channel is naturally completed.
**20. 应无所住而生其心。**
Arise with a mind that does not cling to anything.
**21. 悟道无难,只怕有心。**
There are no difficulties in realizing the Way, only fear of having a mind.
**22. 一念放下,万般自在。**
Let go of one thought, and you will be free in all ways.
**23. 禅宗以心传心,不立文字。**
Zen Buddhism is transmitted from mind to mind, without reliance on words.
**24. 坐禅无非行,行禅无非坐。**
Sitting meditation is nothing more than walking, walking meditation is nothing more than sitting.
**25. 心安茅屋稳,身正衣冠齐。**
A peaceful heart makes a humble hut stable, a righteous body makes clothes and hats orderly.
**26. 莫言静坐是禅,只此行住坐卧皆禅。**
Do not say that sitting in meditation is Zen, for walking, standing, sitting, and lying down are all Zen.
**27. 禅非别物,即此心也。**
Zen is not something separate, it is this very mind.
**28. 不求而得,不应而至。**
To obtain without seeking, to arrive without being called.
**29. 观自在菩萨行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。**
When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara deeply contemplates the Perfection of Wisdom, he sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and liberates all beings from suffering.
**30. 无上正等正觉。**
Supreme, perfect, and complete enlightenment.
**31. 诸法空相,不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减。**
All dharmas are empty and formless, neither born nor extinguished, neither defiled nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing.
**32. 心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想。**
The mind is free from entanglements; because it is free from entanglements, there is no fear; it is far from upside-down dreams.
**33. 心如止水,波澜不惊。**
The mind is like still water, undisturbed by waves.
**34. 放下执着,获得自由。**
Let go of attachment, and gain freedom.
**35. 觉悟人生,超越苦难。**
Awaken to life, and transcend suffering.
**36. 无求无欲,心境澄明。**
Without seeking, without desires, the mind becomes clear.
**37. 知足常乐,心满意足。**
Be content with what you have, and find lasting joy.
**38. 慈悲喜舍,无私无我。**
Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity; selfless and egoless.
**39. 身处红尘,心存净土。**
Living in the world of dust, keep a pure land in your heart.
**40. 莫向外求,求之不得。**
Do not seek outside, for you will not find it.
**41. 万事皆空,空即是色。**
Everything is empty, and emptiness is form.
**42. 一念放下,心即解脱。**
Let go of one thought, and the mind is liberated.
**43. 心即佛,佛即心,自性本空,空即是色。**
The mind is Buddha, Buddha is the mind, inherent nature is empty, and emptiness is form.
**44. 无心无为,不执着于任何事物。**
Without mind, without action; do not cling to anything.
**45. 明心见性,返本归真。**
To illuminate the mind and see one's true nature; to return to the source and be true.
**46. 无住生心,不为外境所动。**
Arise with a mind that does not cling, and do not be moved by external circumstances.
**47. 心无分别,平等对待一切众生。**
The mind does not discriminate, and treats all beings equally.
**48. 一切皆空,空即是道。**
Everything is empty, and emptiness is the Way.
**49. 无缘无故,不执着于任何事物。**
Without cause or reason, do not cling to anything.
**50. 禅心如水,清澈透明。**
The Zen mind is like water, clear and transparent.
**51. 心如虚空,无边无际。**
The mind is like empty space, boundless and infinite.
**52. 不执着于任何事物,才能获得真正的自由。**
Only by not clinging to anything can you achieve true freedom.
**53. 心是最好的老师,也是最危险的敌人。**
The mind is the best teacher, and also the most dangerous enemy.
**54. 一切皆为心造,心即一切。**
Everything is created by the mind, and the mind is everything.
**55. 放下自我,才能成就真我。**
Let go of the self, and you can achieve your true self.
**56. 心如莲花,出淤泥而不染。**
The mind is like a lotus flower, growing in the mud but remaining untainted.
**57. 禅心如镜,照破一切虚妄。**
The Zen mind is like a mirror, illuminating and dispelling all illusions.
**58. 心即道场,道场即心。**
The mind is the Dharma hall, and the Dharma hall is the mind.
**59. 禅修并非苦行,而是觉悟之旅。**
Zen practice is not a hardship, but a journey of awakening.
**60. 心无挂碍,自在逍遥。**
The mind is free from entanglements, and enjoys freedom and ease.
**61. 一切皆有定数,顺其自然。**
Everything has its destiny, so go with the flow.
**62. 无欲则刚,心如磐石。**
Without desire, you are strong; the mind is like a rock.
**63. 心怀慈悲,普渡众生。**
With a compassionate heart, liberate all beings.
以上就是关于参禅悟禅的句子63句(参禅悟禅的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。