
## 养身不如养心句子 (94句)**1. 心安,则身安;心静,则身静。**

If the mind is at peace, the body will be at peace; if the mind is calm, the body will be calm.

**2. 养心莫过于静,养身莫过于动。**

To cultivate the mind, nothing is better than tranquility; to cultivate the body, nothing is better than movement.

**3. 心宽一寸,容天下难容之事;心窄一寸,受天下难受之气。**

A broad mind can accommodate all the difficult things in the world; a narrow mind can only suffer from all the unpleasant things in the world.

**4. 心若无事,事事无碍;心若有执,处处有障。**

If the mind is free of attachment, everything is unimpeded; if the mind is preoccupied, there are obstacles everywhere.

**5. 心态决定一切,心宽才能容万物。**

Your attitude determines everything, a broad mind can embrace all things.

**6. 养心先养性,养性先养德。**

To cultivate the mind, first cultivate one's nature; to cultivate one's nature, first cultivate one's virtue.

**7. 人心如水,澄澈则明,浑浊则暗。**

The human mind is like water, clear and bright if it is pure, muddy and dark if it is turbid.

**8. 心无挂碍,无事不乐;心生执着,事事皆苦。**

A mind free from attachment finds joy in everything; a mind attached to things finds suffering in everything.

**9. 心若向阳,无处不是阳光。**

If the mind is open to the sun, everywhere is bathed in sunshine.

**10. 心若莲花,不染世间尘埃。**

If the mind is like a lotus flower, it is not stained by the dust of the world.

**11. 心静自然凉,心安理自得。**

A calm mind naturally feels cool, a peaceful mind naturally finds peace.

**12. 心中充满阳光,眼里便充满希望。**

If your heart is filled with sunshine, your eyes will be filled with hope.

**13. 修身养性,修心养德。**

Cultivate your body and nature, cultivate your mind and virtue.

**14. 心中装满爱,生活便充满阳光。**

If your heart is filled with love, your life will be filled with sunshine.

**15. 心若无尘,便可观世间万物。**

If your mind is free from dust, you can see all things in the world.

**16. 心如明镜,照见世间万象。**

A mind like a clear mirror reflects all things in the world.

**17. 心宽似海,容纳百川;心窄如井,容不下丝毫。**

A broad mind is like the ocean, embracing all rivers; a narrow mind is like a well, unable to hold even a drop.

**18. 心静如水,方能观鱼跃龙门。**

Only a calm mind can witness the fish leaping over the dragon gate.

**19. 心中有佛,处处是佛。**

If you have Buddha in your heart, Buddha is everywhere.

**20. 心若菩提,无垢无染。**

If your mind is like the Bodhi tree, it is pure and untainted.

**21. 心怀感恩,幸福常伴。**

With a grateful heart, happiness will always be with you.

**22. 心胸豁达,人生才会快乐。**

A generous mind will lead to a happy life.

**23. 心中有爱,世界便充满温暖。**

If your heart is filled with love, the world will be filled with warmth.

**24. 心灵纯净,便可看清世间真谛。**

A pure heart can see the truth of the world.

**25. 心若冰清,便可看透人生百态。**

If your mind is like ice, you can see through all the vicissitudes of life.

**26. 心灵平静,便可享受生命的真谛。**

A peaceful mind can enjoy the true meaning of life.

**27. 心之所向,无处不可到达。**

Where your heart goes, there is no place you cannot reach.

**28. 心若自由,便可飞翔于无垠的天空。**

If your mind is free, you can fly in the boundless sky.

**29. 心中有梦,便可追逐梦想的彼岸。**

If you have a dream in your heart, you can pursue the other shore of your dreams.

**30. 心若无畏,便可战胜一切困难。**

If your mind is fearless, you can overcome any difficulty.

**31. 心若坚强,便可撑起一片天空。**

If your mind is strong, you can hold up a whole sky.

**32. 心若善良,便可温暖世间万物。**

If your heart is kind, you can warm everything in the world.

**33. 心若慈悲,便可化解世间仇恨。**

If your heart is compassionate, you can resolve all hatred in the world.

**34. 心若宽容,便可容纳世间一切。**

If your heart is forgiving, you can embrace everything in the world.

**35. 心若真诚,便可赢得世间真爱。**

If your heart is sincere, you can win true love in the world.

**36. 心若豁达,便可看淡世间荣辱。**

If your heart is open-minded, you can look lightly upon the fame and fortune of the world.

**37. 心若洒脱,便可享受生命的自由。**

If your heart is carefree, you can enjoy the freedom of life.

**38. 心若淡泊,便可拥有永恒的快乐。**

If your heart is simple, you can possess eternal happiness.

**39. 心若宁静,便可听到来自灵魂的声音。**

If your mind is calm, you can hear the voice of your soul.

**40. 心若感恩,便可感受生命的温暖。**

If your heart is grateful, you can feel the warmth of life.

**41. 心若善良,便可照亮他人的心灵。**

If your heart is kind, you can light up the hearts of others.

**42. 心若坚韧,便可战胜人生的磨难。**

If your heart is resilient, you can overcome the hardships of life.

**43. 心若纯粹,便可拥有无暇的幸福。**

If your heart is pure, you can possess unblemished happiness.

**44. 心若勇敢,便可追寻梦想的远方。**

If your heart is courageous, you can pursue the distant lands of your dreams.

**45. 心若包容,便可接纳世间百态。**

If your heart is tolerant, you can accept all things in the world.

**46. 心若平静,便可享受生命的宁静。**

If your mind is calm, you can enjoy the peace of life.

**47. 心若乐观,便可化解人生的烦恼。**

If your mind is optimistic, you can resolve the worries of life.

**48. 心若简单,便可拥有无忧的快乐。**

If your heart is simple, you can possess carefree joy.

**49. 心若无私,便可赢得世人的敬爱。**

If your heart is selfless, you can earn the respect and love of the world.

**50. 心若宽广,便可容纳世间一切。**

If your heart is broad, you can embrace everything in the world.

**51. 心若智慧,便可洞悉人生真谛。**

If your heart is wise, you can understand the true meaning of life.

**52. 心若柔软,便可感受世间温柔。**

If your heart is soft, you can feel the tenderness of the world.

**53. 心若坚强,便可战胜一切苦难。**

If your heart is strong, you can overcome all suffering.

**54. 心若自信,便可创造人生奇迹。**

If your heart is confident, you can create miracles in life.

**55. 心若执着,便可成就梦想的辉煌。**

If your heart is persistent, you can achieve the glory of your dreams.

**56. 心若真诚,便可赢得真挚的友谊。**

If your heart is sincere, you can win true friendship.

**57. 心若善良,便可让世界充满爱。**

If your heart is kind, you can make the world full of love.

**58. 心若勇敢,便可追逐梦想的彼岸。**

If your heart is courageous, you can pursue the other shore of your dreams.

**59. 心若坚韧,便可战胜人生的坎坷。**

If your heart is resilient, you can overcome the ups and downs of life.

**60. 心若宽容,便可化解人与人之间的矛盾。**

If your heart is forgiving, you can resolve conflicts between people.

**61. 心若平静,便可享受生命的宁静。**

If your mind is calm, you can enjoy the peace of life.

**62. 心若淡泊,便可拥有无忧的快乐。**

If your heart is simple, you can possess carefree joy.

**63. 心若善良,便可让世界充满温暖。**

If your heart is kind, you can make the world full of warmth.

**64. 心若乐观,便可化解人生的烦恼。**

If your mind is optimistic, you can resolve the worries of life.

**65. 心若无私,便可赢得世人的敬爱。**

If your heart is selfless, you can earn the respect and love of the world.

**66. 心若宽广,便可容纳世间一切。**

If your heart is broad, you can embrace everything in the world.

**67. 心若智慧,便可洞悉人生真谛。**

If your heart is wise, you can understand the true meaning of life.

**68. 心若柔软,便可感受世间温柔。**

If your heart is soft, you can feel the tenderness of the world.

**69. 心若坚强,便可战胜一切苦难。**

If your heart is strong, you can overcome all suffering.

**70. 心若自信,便可创造人生奇迹。**

If your heart is confident, you can create miracles in life.

**71. 心若执着,便可成就梦想的辉煌。**

If your heart is persistent, you can achieve the glory of your dreams.

**72. 心若真诚,便可赢得真挚的友谊。**

If your heart is sincere, you can win true friendship.

**73. 心若勇敢,便可追逐梦想的彼岸。**

If your heart is courageous, you can pursue the other shore of your dreams.

**74. 心若坚韧,便可战胜人生的坎坷。**

If your heart is resilient, you can overcome the ups and downs of life.

**75. 心若宽容,便可化解人与人之间的矛盾。**

If your heart is forgiving, you can resolve conflicts between people.

**76. 心若平静,便可享受生命的宁静。**

If your mind is calm, you can enjoy the peace of life.

**77. 心若淡泊,便可拥有无忧的快乐。**

If your heart is simple, you can possess carefree joy.

**78. 心若善良,便可让世界充满温暖。**

If your heart is kind, you can make the world full of warmth.

**79. 心若乐观,便可化解人生的烦恼。**

If your mind is optimistic, you can resolve the worries of life.

**80. 心若无私,便可赢得世人的敬爱。**

If your heart is selfless, you can earn the respect and love of the world.

**81. 心若宽广,便可容纳世间一切。**

If your heart is broad, you can embrace everything in the world.

**82. 心若智慧,便可洞悉人生真谛。**

If your heart is wise, you can understand the true meaning of life.

**83. 心若柔软,便可感受世间温柔。**

If your heart is soft, you can feel the tenderness of the world.

**84. 心若坚强,便可战胜一切苦难。**

If your heart is strong, you can overcome all suffering.

**85. 心若自信,便可创造人生奇迹。**

If your heart is confident, you can create miracles in life.

**86. 心若执着,便可成就梦想的辉煌。**

If your heart is persistent, you can achieve the glory of your dreams.

**87. 心若真诚,便可赢得真挚的友谊。**

If your heart is sincere, you can win true friendship.

**88. 心若勇敢,便可追逐梦想的彼岸。**

If your heart is courageous, you can pursue the other shore of your dreams.

**89. 心若坚韧,便可战胜人生的坎坷。**

If your heart is resilient, you can overcome the ups and downs of life.

**90. 心若宽容,便可化解人与人之间的矛盾。**

If your heart is forgiving, you can resolve conflicts between people.

**91. 心若平静,便可享受生命的宁静。**

If your mind is calm, you can enjoy the peace of life.

**92. 心若淡泊,便可拥有无忧的快乐。**

If your heart is simple, you can possess carefree joy.

**93. 心若善良,便可让世界充满温暖。**

If your heart is kind, you can make the world full of warmth.

**94. 心若乐观,便可化解人生的烦恼。**

If your mind is optimistic, you can resolve the worries of life.

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