
## 人近了心却远了,74句**1. 人潮拥挤,却找不到一个可以依靠的肩膀。**

The crowd is dense, but I can't find a shoulder to lean on.

**2. 曾经无话不谈,如今却无话可说。**

We used to talk about everything, but now we have nothing to say.

**3. 越来越沉默,越来越陌生。**

We are becoming increasingly silent and unfamiliar with each other.

**4. 你是我最熟悉的陌生人。**

You are the most familiar stranger to me.

**5. 我们都变了,变了,就再也回不去了。**

We have all changed, and we can never go back to the way we were.

**6. 距离,是最好的证明。**

Distance is the best proof.

**7. 我们在同一个城市,却活在不同的世界。**

We live in the same city, but in different worlds.

**8. 心里的距离,比空间的距离更遥远。**

The distance in our hearts is further than the physical distance.

**9. 你在我的身边,却离我的心越来越远。**

You are by my side, yet your heart is drifting further and further away from mine.

**10. 我努力靠近你,却发现你正在远离我。**

I try to get closer to you, but I realize you are moving away from me.

**11. 曾经的亲密无间,如今只剩下疏远和陌生。**

The once intimate closeness has now been replaced by estrangement and unfamiliarity.

**12. 你是我的朋友,却不再是我的知己。**

You are my friend, but no longer my confidant.

**13. 我们一起走过许多路,却最终走散了。**

We have walked many paths together, but we have eventually parted ways.

**14. 曾经的誓言,如今已成空。**

The vows we once made are now empty.

**15. 时间,带走了我们之间的距离。**

Time has taken away the distance between us.

**16. 你是我最想念的人,却是我最不敢见的人。**

You are the person I miss most, but the person I am most afraid to see.

**17. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,却没想到会走到今天。**

I thought we could be together forever, but I didn't expect us to reach this point.

**18. 你的笑声,曾经是我最美的旋律,如今却成了我心中的伤痛。**

Your laughter was once the most beautiful melody to me, but now it has become a pain in my heart.

**19. 我一直在追寻你,却发现你已经不在原地。**

I have been chasing you, only to find that you are no longer in the same place.

**20. 我以为我可以放手,却发现我放不下你。**

I thought I could let go, but I realized I couldn't let go of you.

**21. 我们之间的距离,越来越清晰。**

The distance between us is becoming increasingly clear.

**22. 我一直在你的世界里徘徊,却找不到我的位置。**

I have been wandering in your world, but I can't find my place.

**23. 你是我生命中的过客,却在我的心里留下了深刻的印记。**

You are a passerby in my life, but you have left a deep mark in my heart.

**24. 我只能看着你远去,却无能为力。**

I can only watch you leave, but I am helpless.

**25. 我以为我们还有未来,却发现我们已经没有过去。**

I thought we had a future, but I realized we have no past.

**26. 我只能在回忆里,寻找你的影子。**

I can only search for your shadow in my memories.

**27. 你在我的梦里,却不再在我的生活中。**

You are in my dreams, but no longer in my life.

**28. 我努力想要靠近你,却发现你离我越来越远。**

I try to get closer to you, but I realize you are moving further away from me.

**29. 我以为我们可以重新开始,却发现一切都已经改变。**

I thought we could start over, but I realized everything has changed.

**30. 我只能在心里默默地祝福你,希望你能够幸福。**

I can only silently bless you in my heart, hoping you can be happy.

**31. 你在我的世界里,却不在我的未来里。**

You are in my world, but not in my future.

**32. 我只能看着你,看着你从我的生命里消失。**

I can only watch you, watch you disappear from my life.

**33. 我一直在想念你,却不知道你是否还记得我。**

I have been missing you, but I don't know if you still remember me.

**34. 你是我的过去,却不再是我的现在。**

You are my past, but no longer my present.

**35. 我只能在回忆里,寻找你的温暖。**

I can only search for your warmth in my memories.

**36. 我们之间的距离,就像一条无形的鸿沟。**

The distance between us is like an invisible chasm.

**37. 我以为我们可以回到过去,却发现一切都已经回不去了。**

I thought we could go back to the past, but I realized everything is gone.

**38. 我只能看着你,看着你一步步远离我。**

I can only watch you, watch you move away from me step by step.

**39. 我们之间的距离,越来越深。**

The distance between us is deepening.

**40. 我一直在等待你,却发现你已经不再需要我。**

I have been waiting for you, but I realized you no longer need me.

**41. 你在我的梦里,却不再是我的现实。**

You are in my dreams, but not my reality.

**42. 我只能在心底,默默地思念你。**

I can only silently miss you in my heart.

**43. 我们之间,只剩下沉默。**

All that remains between us is silence.

**44. 我们曾经那么亲密,如今却如此陌生。**

We were once so close, but now we are so unfamiliar.

**45. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,却没想到会走到今天。**

I thought we could be together forever, but I didn't expect us to reach this point.

**46. 我只能看着你,看着你离我越来越远。**

I can only watch you, watch you move further away from me.

**47. 你是我的过去,我却无法回到过去。**

You are my past, but I cannot go back to the past.

**48. 我只能在回忆里,寻找你的笑容。**

I can only search for your smile in my memories.

**49. 你在我的心里,却不在我的生活里。**

You are in my heart, but not in my life.

**50. 我们之间的距离,就像一座无法跨越的桥梁。**

The distance between us is like an uncrossable bridge.

**51. 我只能看着你,看着你渐渐消失在我的视线里。**

I can only watch you, watch you slowly disappear from my sight.

**52. 你在我的梦里,却不再是我的现实。**

You are in my dreams, but not my reality.

**53. 我只能在心底,默默地祝福你。**

I can only silently bless you in my heart.

**54. 我们之间,只剩下回忆。**

All that remains between us is memory.

**55. 我以为我们可以重拾旧梦,却发现一切都已经改变。**

I thought we could revisit our old dreams, but I realized everything has changed.

**56. 我只能看着你,看着你离我越来越远。**

I can only watch you, watch you move further away from me.

**57. 你是我的过去,我却无法改变过去。**

You are my past, but I cannot change the past.

**58. 我只能在回忆里,寻找你的声音。**

I can only search for your voice in my memories.

**59. 你在我的心里,却不再是我的未来。**

You are in my heart, but not my future.

**60. 我们之间的距离,就像一道无法逾越的鸿沟。**

The distance between us is like an insurmountable chasm.

**61. 我只能看着你,看着你慢慢地从我的生命中消失。**

I can only watch you, watch you slowly fade from my life.

**62. 你在我的梦里,却不再是我的现实。**

You are in my dreams, but not my reality.

**63. 我只能在心底,默默地思念你。**

I can only silently miss you in my heart.

**64. 我们之间,只剩下回忆和思念。**

All that remains between us is memory and longing.

**65. 我以为我们可以重新开始,却发现一切都已经回不去了。**

I thought we could start over, but I realized everything is gone.

**66. 我只能看着你,看着你离我越来越远。**

I can only watch you, watch you move further away from me.

**67. 你是我的过去,我却无法回到过去。**

You are my past, but I cannot go back to the past.

**68. 我只能在回忆里,寻找你的温暖。**

I can only search for your warmth in my memories.

**69. 你在我的心里,却不再是我的生活。**

You are in my heart, but no longer in my life.

**70. 我们之间的距离,就像一道无法跨越的鸿沟。**

The distance between us is like an uncrossable chasm.

**71. 我只能看着你,看着你渐渐消失在我的视线里。**

I can only watch you, watch you slowly disappear from my sight.

**72. 你在我的梦里,却不再是我的现实。**

You are in my dreams, but not my reality.

**73. 我只能在心底,默默地祝福你。**

I can only silently bless you in my heart.

**74. 我们之间,只剩下回忆和空虚。**

All that remains between us is memory and emptiness.

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