
## 被动语态一般过去时的句子 (85句)

1. 这本书昨天被翻译成法语了。 The book was translated into French yesterday.

2. 他的新车昨天被偷了。 His new car was stolen yesterday.

3. 这座桥在战争中被摧毁了。 The bridge was destroyed during the war.

4. 比赛结果昨晚被宣布了。 The result of the competition was announced last night.

5. 我在公园里被一只狗咬了。 I was bitten by a dog in the park.

6. 这幅画被拍卖了。 The painting was sold at auction.

7. 那家公司被收购了。 The company was taken over.

8. 那个男孩被他的父母责骂了。 The boy was scolded by his parents.

9. 这件衣服被洗得干干净净了。 The clothes were washed clean.

10. 这份工作被分配给了我。 The job was assigned to me.

11. 房屋被地震毁坏了。 The houses were destroyed by the earthquake.

12. 我的手机被偷了。 My mobile phone was stolen.

13. 那台机器被修理好了。 The machine was repaired.

14. 所有的窗户都被打破了。 All the windows were broken.

15. 他被告知要离开。 He was told to leave.

16. 这个问题被讨论了几个小时。 The issue was discussed for hours.

17. 那辆车被发现停在路边。 The car was found parked on the side of the road.

18. 这张照片被拍得很漂亮。 The photo was taken beautifully.

19. 那封信被寄走了。 The letter was sent.

20. 他被邀请参加派对。 He was invited to the party.

21. 她被要求参加演讲。 She was asked to give a speech.

22. 这首歌曲被传唱了几十年。 The song was sung for decades.

23. 那项计划被批准了。 The plan was approved.

24. 那个计划被取消了。 The plan was cancelled.

25. 那个文件被签署了。 The document was signed.

26. 那台电脑被关掉了。 The computer was turned off.

27. 这座城市被大雨淹没了。 The city was flooded by heavy rain.

28. 那棵树被闪电击中了。 The tree was struck by lightning.

29. 这条路被封锁了。 The road was blocked.

30. 那扇门被打开了。 The door was opened.

31. 这本书被借走了。 The book was borrowed.

32. 她的手提包被遗忘在咖啡馆里了。 Her handbag was left in the cafe.

33. 那艘船被风暴摧毁了。 The ship was destroyed by the storm.

34. 比赛被推迟了。 The game was postponed.

35. 那个问题被解答了。 The question was answered.

36. 他的衣服被洗得干干净净了。 His clothes were washed clean.

37. 那项计划被实施了。 The plan was implemented.

38. 那次会议被记录了。 The meeting was recorded.

39. 这家商店被抢劫了。 The shop was robbed.

40. 那个人被抓住了。 The man was caught.

41. 那个病人被送往医院了。 The patient was taken to the hospital.

42. 他被任命为经理。 He was appointed manager.

43. 那件物品被退货了。 The item was returned.

44. 那本书被翻译成了英语。 The book was translated into English.

45. 那辆车被修理了。 The car was repaired.

46. 那个女孩被她的父母宠坏了。 The girl was spoiled by her parents.

47. 那个问题被讨论了很长时间。 The problem was discussed for a long time.

48. 那张照片被毁了。 The photo was ruined.

49. 那个报告被提交了。 The report was submitted.

50. 那个学生被批评了。 The student was criticized.

51. 那个计划被拒绝了。 The plan was rejected.

52. 那项任务被完成了。 The task was completed.

53. 那个项目被取消了。 The project was cancelled.

54. 那个演讲被录制了。 The speech was recorded.

55. 那个事件被报道了。 The event was reported.

56. 那个故事被讲述了无数次。 The story was told countless times.

57. 那个女孩被她的朋友嘲笑了。 The girl was laughed at by her friends.

58. 那个男孩被他的老师表扬了。 The boy was praised by his teacher.

59. 那个建筑被拆除了。 The building was demolished.

60. 那个决定被做出了。 The decision was made.

61. 那个问题被解决了。 The problem was solved.

62. 那个建议被接受了。 The suggestion was accepted.

63. 那个要求被拒绝了。 The request was refused.

64. 那个错误被纠正了。 The mistake was corrected.

65. 那个文件被打印了。 The document was printed.

66. 那个会议被延期了。 The meeting was postponed.

67. 那个计划被修改了。 The plan was revised.

68. 那个电话被接通了。 The phone was answered.

69. 那个问题被提出。 The question was raised.

70. 那个建议被讨论了。 The suggestion was discussed.

71. 那个项目被完成了。 The project was finished.

72. 那个游戏被玩了。 The game was played.

73. 那个电影被观看了。 The movie was watched.

74. 那个音乐被听了。 The music was listened to.

75. 那个书被读了。 The book was read.

76. 那个蛋糕被吃了。 The cake was eaten.

77. 那个饮料被喝了。 The drink was drunk.

78. 那个花被摘了。 The flower was picked.

79. 那个礼物被送了。 The gift was given.

80. 那个信被写了。 The letter was written.

81. 那个演讲被做了。 The speech was given.

82. 那个问题被问了。 The question was asked.

83. 那个答案被找到了。 The answer was found.

84. 那个秘密被揭露了。 The secret was revealed.

85. 那个计划被制定了。 The plan was made.

以上就是关于被动语态的一般过去时的句子85句(被动语态的一般过去时的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
