**中文** | **英文**
------- | --------
1. 天下大事,必作于细。
|Great things are accomplished by attention to detail.
2. 天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往。
|All the world rushes to and fro, seeking gain; All the world jostles and pushes, seeking to depart with gain.
3. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
|The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man.
4. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。
|Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
5. 天下之大,无奇不有。
|The world is so vast that there is nothing strange that does not exist.
6. 天下谁人不识君。
|Who in the world does not know you?
7. 天下之势,莫大于人心。
|Nothing is more powerful in the world than the will of the people.
8. 天下英雄,唯我独尊。
|I am the only hero in the world.
9. 天下三分,鼎足而立。
|The world is divided into three parts, each standing on its own feet.
10. 天下虽大,吾心自安。
|The world may be vast, but my heart is at peace.
11. 天下英雄,尽入彀中。
|All the heroes of the world are within my grasp.
12. 天下事,皆可为。
|Everything in the world can be achieved.
13. 天下之大,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣。
|The whole world is the king's land; all within his borders are his subjects.
14. 天下兴亡,与我何干?
|What does the rise and fall of the world have to do with me?
15. 天下英雄,出我辈。
|The heroes of the world come from our ranks.
16. 天下无不散之宴席。
|All gatherings must eventually come to an end.
17. 天下皆知我爱财,谁知我爱卿。
|The world knows that I love money, but who knows that I love my subjects?
18. 天下没有免费的午餐。
|There's no such thing as a free lunch.
19. 天下大事,不言而喻。
|Great things are self-evident.
20. 天下无情人,唯有君王。
|There are no heartless people in the world, except for the king.
21. 天下之大,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣。
|The whole world is the king's land; all within his borders are his subjects.
22. 天下英雄,皆入我彀中。
|All the heroes of the world are within my grasp.
23. 天下无不散之筵席。
|All gatherings must eventually come to an end.
24. 天下皆知我爱财,谁知我爱卿。
|The world knows that I love money, but who knows that I love my subjects?
25. 天下英雄,出我辈。
|The heroes of the world come from our ranks.
26. 天下无情人,唯有君王。
|There are no heartless people in the world, except for the king.
27. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
28. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
29. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
30. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
31. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
32. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
33. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
34. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
35. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
36. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
37. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
38. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
39. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
40. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
41. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
42. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
43. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
44. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
45. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
46. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
47. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
48. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
49. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
50. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
51. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
52. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
53. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
54. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
55. 天下英雄,皆为我所用。
|All the heroes of the world are at my disposal.
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