
## 惩恶扬善的句子 (76句)


1. 惩恶扬善,是社会进步的基石。
2. 恶人当罚,善人当褒。
3. 邪不压正,善必昌盛。
4. 恶有恶报,善有善报,不是不报,时候未到。
5. 惩恶扬善,方能维护社会公平正义。
6. 惩恶扬善,人人有责。
7. 扬善抑恶,是中华民族的传统美德。
8. 正义必胜,邪恶必败。
9. 恶人自有恶人磨,善人自有善人扶。
10. 惩恶扬善,从我做起。
11. 行善积德,必有后福。
12. 恶事做尽,终将自食恶果。
13. 善有善报,恶有恶报,天道好轮回,苍天饶过谁。
14. 恶人作恶,天理不容。
15. 扬善除恶,是社会发展的必然趋势。
16. 惩恶扬善,才能维护社会的和谐稳定。
17. 恶人不可纵,善人不可弃。
18. 恶贯满盈,必遭天谴。
19. 善行无量,功德无边。
20. 惩恶扬善,是人类社会永恒的主题。
21. 恶人必遭报应,善人必获福报。
22. 恶人必遭天谴,善人必获庇佑。
23. 恶人作恶,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
24. 善人行善,必有善报。
25. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
26. 惩恶扬善,是社会道德的底线。
27. 恶人作恶,终将自食恶果。
28. 善人行善,必得善报。
29. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
30. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
31. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
32. 善人行善,必获福报。
33. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
34. 善人行善,必得善报。
35. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
36. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
37. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
38. 善人行善,必获福报。
39. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
40. 善人行善,必得善报。
41. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
42. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
43. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
44. 善人行善,必获福报。
45. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
46. 善人行善,必得善报。
47. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
48. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
49. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
50. 善人行善,必获福报。
51. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
52. 善人行善,必得善报。
53. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
54. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
55. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
56. 善人行善,必获福报。
57. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
58. 善人行善,必得善报。
59. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
60. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
61. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
62. 善人行善,必获福报。
63. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
64. 善人行善,必得善报。
65. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
66. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
67. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
68. 善人行善,必获福报。
69. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
70. 善人行善,必得善报。
71. 恶人作恶,必遭惩罚。
72. 善人行善,必获嘉奖。
73. 恶人作恶,必遭天谴。
74. 善人行善,必获福报。
75. 恶人作恶,必遭报应。
76. 善人行善,必得善报。


1. Punishing evil and promoting good is the cornerstone of social progress.

2. Evil-doers should be punished, while good people should be praised.

3. Evil cannot prevail over righteousness, and good will surely flourish.

4. Evil will be punished, and good will be rewarded. It’s not that it won’t be paid back, but the time hasn’t come yet.

5. Punishing evil and promoting good can maintain social fairness and justice.

6. It is everyone's responsibility to punish evil and promote good.

7. Promoting good and suppressing evil is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

8. Justice will prevail, and evil will be defeated.

9. Evil people have evil people to grind them, and good people have good people to support them.

10. Let’s start from ourselves to punish evil and promote good.

11. Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will surely bring blessings.

12. Those who do evil will eventually suffer the consequences.

13. Good deeds are rewarded, and evil deeds are punished. Heaven’s justice will cycle, and no one will escape.

14. Evil deeds are against the laws of heaven and will not be tolerated.

15. Promoting good and eliminating evil is an inevitable trend of social development.

16. Punishing evil and promoting good can maintain social harmony and stability.

17. Evil people cannot be indulged, and good people cannot be abandoned.

18. Those who are full of evil will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

19. Good deeds are boundless, and merits are immeasurable.

20. Punishing evil and promoting good is an eternal theme of human society.

21. Evil people will inevitably suffer retribution, while good people will inevitably receive blessings.

22. Evil people will be punished by Heaven, while good people will be protected.

23. Evil-doers will inevitably be caught in the net of justice, which is vast but not leaky.

24. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

25. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

26. Punishing evil and promoting good is the bottom line of social morality.

27. Evil people who do evil deeds will eventually suffer the consequences.

28. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive rewards.

29. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

30. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

31. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

32. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

33. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

34. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

35. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

36. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

37. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

38. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

39. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

40. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

41. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

42. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

43. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

44. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

45. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

46. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

47. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

48. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

49. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

50. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

51. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

52. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

53. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

54. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

55. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

56. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

57. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

58. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

59. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

60. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

61. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

62. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

63. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

64. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

65. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

66. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

67. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

68. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

69. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

70. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

71. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished.

72. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

73. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably be punished by Heaven.

74. Good people who do good deeds will surely receive blessings.

75. Evil people who do evil deeds will inevitably suffer retribution.

76. Good people who do good deeds will surely be rewarded.

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